Quote of the Day: YOU DUMB APE!! (smack)
You are visitor 5,000,000 to visitthis site! (j/k, lost count)
Last updated 1/15/02
Music Videos: Down | |||
Images: Soon | |||
Movie Clips: Sometime.... | |||
Videogames: Eventually.... | |||
Links: I dunno... | |||
Series Info: Maybe... | |||
Episode Summaries: No |
Hey all, It's been awhile since I updated. Yes it's true,contrary to popular belief I AM NOT DEAD! It just seems like it... hehheh. Yea, but the truth is that I haven't had any incredible inspriationto update the page. Apparently spaceports didn't like an updated page sothey trashed it.... my music videos are now without a home. If you knowan free sites with a LOT of space available (I'm talking around 300+ megs)then email me. I'll probably update here for a little while with imagesand what not. So until something is actually on this page, feel free togaze at Claude all you want! (Star Ocean EX is so cool) Oh yea, you cango ahead and look at the unworking pages too if you want (files DON'T workso don't email me!)
-Claude: KUUHAZAN!!!- | ||
Well then, Why don't we move onto actually doing something in this page shall we? I mean, you don't wantto be lazy like Kakarotto and just sit at the main page do you? ....Ofcourse that was only if this lazy web creator would get up and actuallydo something! Pathetic humans.... wasting my name on a page like this....
Places to go within the page | ||
MusicVideos | Images | Movie Clips |
Videogames | Main | Links |
Series Info | EpisodeSummaries | Manga Award |
This site was created on 9/23/94.I do not own DragonBall or anything like that. This is strictly a fan page.However I DO own the music videos so don't try stealing them and puttingthem on your page. The only one with permission is Vegeta Insane!